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Mental Health

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Disclosing to Others

Talking about mental health can be challenging, but it is an essential step toward breaking the stigma and getting the support you need. Disclosing your mental health issues to others can foster understanding, empathy, and practical help from those around you. This guide provides advice on how to approach these conversations and why they are important.

Why Disclose Your Mental Health Issues?

Benefits of Sharing
  • Support System:
    Building a network of friends, family, and colleagues who understand your situation can provide emotional and practical support.
  • Reduced Stigma:
    Talking openly about mental health can help reduce the stigma associated with it, encouraging others to do the same.
  • Improved Relationships:
    Honest communication can strengthen relationships and foster a deeper understanding and connection.
  • Better Management:
    By informing others, you can create a more accommodating environment that supports your mental health needs.
When to Disclose

The decision to disclose your mental health issues is deeply personal. Consider sharing when:

  • You feel comfortable and ready.
  • You need support or accommodations.
  • Your mental health is impacting your daily life and interactions.

How to Disclose Your Mental Health Issues

Prepare Yourself
  • Reflect on Your Reasons:
    Understand why you want to disclose and what you hope to achieve. This clarity will guide the conversation.
  • Know Your Boundaries:
    Decide how much you want to share and what aspects of your mental health you prefer to keep private.
Choose the Right Time and Place
  • Find a quiet, private setting where you won't be interrupted.
  • Ensure both you and the person you're talking to have enough time for a meaningful conversation..
Be Honest and Clear
  • Start Simple:
    Begin with a straightforward statement. For example, "I want to talk to you about something important regarding my mental health."
  • Explain Your Experience:
    Share your experience in a way that feels comfortable. You don't have to go into all the details but provide enough context for understanding.
  • Use "I" Statements:
    Focus on your feelings and experiences. For example, "I have been feeling overwhelmed lately and have been diagnosed with anxiety."
Manage Reactions
  • Be Prepared for Different Responses:
    People might react in various ways, from supportive to uncertain or even dismissive. Be ready for any reaction and try not to take it personally.
  • Offer Information:
    If the person seems confused or unsure, provide them with resources or suggest they learn more about mental health.
  • Set Boundaries:
    If the conversation becomes uncomfortable, it's okay to set boundaries or end the discussion. You can say, "I appreciate your willingness to listen, but I need some time to process this."
Follow Up
  • Check in with the person after the conversation to answer any questions or provide updates on how they can support you.
  • Keep the lines of communication open and let them know how they can help you moving forward.

Who to Tell

Family and Friends
  • Pros:
    They can offer emotional support, understanding, and practical help. Sharing with those close to you can strengthen your bond.
  • Cons:
    Emotional reactions may be strong, and not everyone may understand mental health issues initially.
  • Pros:
    Informing your employer or HR department can lead to workplace accommodations, such as flexible hours or a supportive environment.
  • Cons:
    There may be concerns about stigma or discrimination. Know your rights and consider discussing with HR or a trusted supervisor.
Healthcare Providers
  • Pros:
    They can provide professional support, guidance, and necessary medical care.
  • Cons:
    It can be daunting to open up, but healthcare providers are trained to help you navigate these discussions.

Disclosing your mental health issues is a personal decision that can lead to increased support, reduced stigma, and improved relationships. By preparing yourself, choosing the right time and place, and being honest and clear, you can navigate these conversations effectively. Remember, you are not alone, and sharing your journey can be a powerful step toward healing and connection.


Thanks to OT and the team for their support with my employment. Pointters team are good people, and they are ready to work

Archie C

Thank you, Pointters Community Initiatives, for helping me with my resume

Modupe Akinpelu

Pointters has been supporting me with counseling- I appreciate the team there…

Latrina A

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