Youth Mental Health Services

MHEP (Mental Health Empowerment Program) aims to provide comprehensive mental health support for juveniles and their parents in Wisconsin. The project involves integrated mental health counseling, therapeutic workshops, and psychoeducational resources. The specific goals include enhancing mental health resilience, facilitating therapeutic engagement, and promoting community awareness. MHEP targets improved safety, juvenile accountability, and competence statewide. The program strives to divert youth from out-of-home placement, reduce recidivism, and support successful reentry into families and communities.

Youth Mental Health Program

Pointters is expected to provide comprehensive mental health support for at-risk Youth and their parents in Wisconsin. The project involves integrated mental health counseling, therapeutic workshops, and psychoeducational resources. The specific goals include enhancing mental health resilience, facilitating therapeutic engagement, and promoting community awareness. YMHEP targets improved safety, youth accountability, and competence statewide. The program strives to divert youth from out-of-home placement, reduce recidivism, and support successful reentry into families and communities.

Why are we doing this Program?

Wisconsin's juvenile justice system has witnessed concerning disparities, particularly in the diversion of youth from formal legal proceedings. The data from 2018 to 2021 reveals persistent and widening gaps, with Black and Native American youth experiencing disproportionately higher rates of arrests, less favorable diversion outcomes, and increased involvement in corrections.

The 2019-2021 data indicates that Black youth are 2.51 to 3.23 times more likely to be diverted than their White counterparts, while Native American youth face a 4.38 to 3.25 times higher likelihood of diversion. These disparities not only highlight systemic inequities but also point to the urgent need for targeted interventions that address the root causes of these discrepancies.

How are we going to implement the project

Intake Assessment - PCI Obligations
  • Conduct one-on-one assessments for each youth and their families, utilizing validated tools such as standardized mental health assessments, trauma inventories, and family dynamics surveys.
  • Administer comprehensive quantitative instruments to objectively identify and quantify mental health needs, trauma history, and family dynamics. The assessment will determine whether the client should be referred to a therapist.
  • Assign specific scores and indicators to different aspects of mental health, trauma exposure, and family functioning for precise measurement. (Therapist obligations)
  • Clients are expected to fill out the intake assessment form - Mental Health Intake Assessment Form
Focus Group (1/quarter)
  • Pointters will engage in focus group discussions with juveniles and relevant stakeholders, representing at least 20% of the total participant pool.
  • Employ trained facilitators to guide qualitative discussions, exploring nuanced aspects of mental health experiences, family dynamics, and the impact of trauma.
  • Record and transcribe discussions to extract qualitative insights, identifying recurring themes and concerns raised by participants
Reduction Strategies in YMHEP:
  • Individual/Family Therapy:
    Implementing as a core strategy, acknowledging systemic influences on youth behavior, ensuring cultural competence, and addressing diverse family dynamics.
  • Tailored Outreach:
    Targeted outreach to minority communities, collaborating with local organizations, schools, and justice system officials to increase program accessibility. Examples include: Rawhide Youth Services, YouthGo, Boys and Girls Club STAR program, local police departments, and local school districts.
  • Inclusivity Measures:
    Gender-sensitive services, specific provisions for LGBT youth, and materials in multiple languages to address diverse needs.
  • Professional Diversity:
    Diverse mental health professionals and continuous training to ensure cultural competency among staff.
  • Community Engagement:
    Establishing partnerships with local organizations, schools, and community centers to foster collaborative responsibility and shared objectives.
  • Evaluation Metrics:
    Incorporating racial and ethnic breakdowns in pre- and post-program assessments to measure the program's impact on reducing disparities.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    Quarterly feedback sessions with participants, families, and staff, using data analytics tools to identify disparities and make data-driven improvements.
Community Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Involvement -
    Feedback sessions, and collaborative planning involving mental health professionals, schools, law enforcement, and community centers.
  • Data Sharing:
    Establish transparent data-sharing mechanisms with the school systems, therapists and local community centers and justice system to track and address disparities collectively.
Continuous Monitoring and Reporting
  • Ongoing Evaluation:
    Regularly assess program effectiveness through data analysis. Pointters is working on the performance metric form which will be shared with all stakeholders.
  • Transparent Reporting:
    Regularly share program outcomes, including racial and ethnic breakdowns, with the community, and justice system.
Advocacy and Policy Engagement
  • Policy Recommendations:
    Engage in advocacy efforts for policy changes addressing systemic disparities within the community, and justice system. Pointters is expected to create partnerships with school districts and other stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness of recommendations
  • Legislative Engagement:
    Collaborate with policymakers to ensure legislative measures that promote equity in the community and in the Juvenile Justice System.
Education and Awareness
  • Community Education:
    Conduct workshops (Art, Gardening/Outdoor, and Music)
  • Family-Focused and Skill-Building Workshops:
    Monthly family-focused workshops strengthen familial bonds, promoting understanding and support. Fostering a sense of community and providing valuable skills that contribute to long-term well-being.
Background Screening:
  • All staff involved with the youth and families will undergo background screens.
  • CCAP
  • ○

The reduction plan integrates evidence-based practices, and community collaboration at various points in the juvenile justice system. Through the Mental Health Empowerment for Youth and Families program, Pointters Community Initiatives aims to create a model that provides mental health support.


Thanks to OT and the team for their support with my employment. Pointters team are good people, and they are ready to work

Archie C

Thank you, Pointters Community Initiatives, for helping me with my resume

Modupe Akinpelu

Pointters has been supporting me with counseling- I appreciate the team there…

Latrina A

Pointters provides mentoring for me in my career. They are very dependable